Beauty Begins in the Mind

The power word is BEAUTY

How is Beauty Defined? What is it? What is the Connection to the Health of Your Mind?

When I asked people in the community how they describe “beauty” some of you said that beauty is really something that refers to physical attributes and it is often defined in artificial terms. Some of you very thoughtfully and openly said that it’s a source of inner conflict for many, particularly for women because it’s often associated with appearance. Your-Health-Mart Many people emphasized how girls and women struggle with this concept of beauty and what society tends to demonstrate as beautiful. I think that gradually, and in small areas, we are trying to shift that a little but for the most part there is still that tendency towards certain images that claim to represent “beauty” in our media. powerfit-studio Hopefully we’ll continue to work towards changing that.

Let me share my vision or definition of beauty. Like some, I believe that beauty is more of an innate quality or a characteristic. It’s an internal, natural sort of sparkle and it’s really the essence of something. And I believe that it’s present in everything and everyone. There was a quote that I once heard which says that “Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.” And I so deeply agree with that.

I think of beauty on a broader scale. Probably a broader scale than many. healthgenerics I believe that even if you’re not exactly where you’d like to be as a mompreneur, as a mom, as a woman, that doesn’t mean that life right now can’t be beautiful or enjoyable. And the best part is that you don’t have to do anything to make it beautiful. Just a shift in perspective and it will already be beautiful. All you have to do is open your eyes and awaken your appreciation for what just is. It’s really about seeing things differently. And that is mind power at its most essential capacity (and you that that is where I come from).

We’re constantly surrounded by opportunities and miracles but we don’t’ recognize them because they come to us so gracefully and subtly. clinicalhealths Things like every breath, every movement, every condition or circumstance that’s creating just a possibility for you to be alive right now, reading this right now is a beautiful experience existing by (I believe) no chance. We are often just inundated with our to-do list or get caught up in the chaos of things that aren’t really- when it comes down to it all- that important. Realizing that beauty exists in every moment is possible and it’s simply takes a way of seeing things a bit differently.

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